The iQOO 11 5G India launch event is just hours away and the flagship is set to arrive as the country’s first Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 smartphone. Carrying top-of-the-line specifications, the device will rival the likes of the OnePlus 11 and Xiaomi 13 series in the coming months. While the company has already officially come up with certain key specifications and details pertaining to the iQOO 11 5G, in this article let’s take a quick look at everything related to the device’s launch event time, how to watch it online, its expected price, and specifications.
iQOO 11 5G launch event time, how to watch online
The iQOO 11 5G is officially launching in India on Tuesday, January 10th at 12:00 PM (IST). The company will live stream the launch event on its YouTube channel where it will reveal the pricing details along with the first sale date of the smartphone. The iQOO 11 5G will be available to purchase on Amazon, as indicated by the landing page of the e-commerce platform.
iQOO 11 5G price in India (expected)
The iQOO 11 5G was previously launched in China late last year in five different storage options. The 8GB + 128GB model was priced at CNY 3,799 (Approx. Rs 44,900), 8GB + 256GB at 4,099 (Approx. Rs 48,500), 12GB + 256GB at CNY 4,399 (Approx. Rs 52,100), 16GB + 256GB at CNY 4,699 (Approx. Rs 55,600), and lastly the 16GB + 512GB option at CNY 4,999 (Approx. Rs 59,200)
We expect the device to come to India in three out of the five storage variants mentioned above. Moreover, the official pricing should be slightly more than the phone’s China prices.
iQOO 11 5G specifications
Starting with the display, the iQOO 11 5G features a 6.78-inch 2K AMOLED display with 144Hz refresh rate support and up to 1800 nits of peak brightness. Furthermore, the device is confirmed to come with India’s first E6 panel. iQOO 11 will helm the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset paired with Adreno GPU and up to 16GB RAM and 512GB UFS 4.0 internal storage.
Along with the main processor, the iQOO 11 5G also features a V2 chip that will unlock enhanced performance capabilities such as increasing the frame rates up to 144 FPS on certain games. Besides that, a vapour chamber liquid cooling system is confirmed to be in place to keep the temperatures under check during intensive workloads
Coming to the photography side of things, the iQOO 11 5G sports a 50MP GN5 primary camera, an 8MP ultra-wide sensor, and a 13MP telephoto lens. Upfront, a 16MP selfie snapper is present. Lastly, the handset is expected to ship with Android 13-based Funtouch OS 13 custom skin in India. The device houses a 5000mAh battery unit with 120W fast charging support.
Will iQOO 11 Pro launch in India?
No, iQOO is not planning to launch the iQOO 11 Pro 5G in India during today’s event. The phone could arrive at a later date but today’s event is all about the iQOO 11 5G.
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