WhatsApp has been testing the ability to send HD quality photos for some time. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has now officially announced that this WhatsApp feature will start rolling out globally and will be available to all in the coming weeks. Additionally, the company has confirmed that the ability to send HD videos will also come to the app soon.
Until now, the app was shrinking the photo quality so that there’s minimal storage space usage, and photos are shared faster, but now you’ll have the option to .
Send HD quality photos on WhatsApp
- WhatsApp will still keep SD (Standard Definition) quality as the default setting, but you can choose the HD option before sending photos.
- As the feature arrives, you’ll see an ‘HD’ option on top that you can select to change the photo quality.
- If you select this, then the photo will be sent in HD quality; otherwise it will have the previous SD quality.
- WhatsApp is also giving the option to save photos in HD or not in case of low internet connectivity. There will be an HD watermark at the bottom-left of photos.
- The ability to send HD quality photos on WhatsApp will reach all users in the coming weeks. The company has also confirmed that it will bring HD quality videos soon. This feature has also been available to beta testers on Android and iOS.
WhatsApp HD quality photos: things to know
However, it’s worth noting that although the photo quality will get better, it still won’t be the original resolution. There will still be some sort of compression, but it will definitely be close to the original file. Also, not all photos will be sent in HD quality. “If the compressed image quality isn’t significantly different from the high-quality one, or the photo isn’t very large in size, the HD option won’t appear,” according to WABetaInfo.
The post WhatsApp now lets you send HD quality photos, HD videos coming soon first appeared on 91mobiles.com.
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