With the launch of the Galaxy S24 Ultra, Samsung has introduced an iPhone-like always-on display (AoD) wallpaper feature to the series. It is worth noting that Apple took a considerable amount of time to adopt the always-on display feature for the iPhone, but when it finally did with the iPhone 14 Pro models, the brand innovated by presenting wallpapers in colour. Now, Samsung is apparently following a similar approach by incorporating the idea of displaying colourful wallpapers in the always-on display feature of the Galaxy S24 Ultra.
Samsung adopts Apple’s AOD concept for Galaxy S24 Ultra
- On the Galaxy S24 Ultra, the South Korean tech giant has made changes to the always-on display, according to Android Police. It’s unclear if the feature is available on the vanilla S24 and the S24+.
- The updated feature now displays your wallpaper in a dimmed but still coloured view when the always-on display is enabled.
- The implementation closely resembles Apple’s on the iPhone, but Samsung adds a bit more animation to live wallpapers than Apple does.
- As per reports, older devices such as the Galaxy S23 and others released last year will not have access to AOD wallpapers (just as yet).
- The omission is likely due to their less efficient displays on the older Galaxy S-series models.
(Photo via Android Police)
Samsung Galaxy S24 series price in India
- The Samsung Galaxy S24 is offered in two storage variants in India: the 8GB + 256GB version is priced at Rs 79,999, and the 8GB + 512GB version is priced at Rs 89,999.
- The Galaxy S24+, on the other hand, also comes with two storage options. The 12GB + 512GB variant is priced at Rs 99,999, while the 12GB + 512GB variant is priced at Rs 1,09,999.
- The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra offers three storage configurations – the 12GB + 256GB version is priced at Rs 1,29,999, the 12GB + 512GB model is priced at Rs 1,39,999, and the 12GB + 1TB version is priced at Rs 1,59,999.
As far as colours are concerned, the standard Galaxy S24 variant will come in Amber Yellow, Cobalt Violet, and Onyx Black colours. The Galaxy S24+, on the other hand, will only be offered in Cobalt Violet and Onyx Black colour options. The high-end Galaxy S24 Ultra will be presented in colour choices of Titanium Gray, Titanium Violet, and Titanium Black.
Samsung Galaxy S24 series pre-booking offers
- Customers who pre-book the Galaxy S24 Ultra and S24 Plus are eligible for benefits totaling Rs 22,000, which includes a Rs 12,000 upgrade bonus and a Rs 10,000 storage upgrade.
- Additionally, those pre-booking the 256GB version will receive the 512GB storage variant.
- Alternatively, customers can opt for Rs 5,000 HDFC cashback coupled with a Rs 5,000 upgrade bonus.
- For customers pre-booking the standard Galaxy S24, the pre-booking benefits amount to Rs 15,000 in the form of an upgrade bonus.
- Customers can choose Rs 5,000 HDFC cashback along with an Rs 8,000 upgrade bonus for the Galaxy S24.
- Samsung Finance+ offers an 11-month no-cost EMI option.
- Participants who pre-book the phones during the Samsung Live event on January 18th will be entitled to a free Wireless Charger Duo worth Rs 4,999.
The post iPhone-like AOD wallpaper feature comes to Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra first appeared on 91mobiles.com.
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