Xiaomi India has announced a new entry to its smart home ecosystem, the Xiaomi 360 Home Security Camera 2K. It features a 3MP camera with an upgraded 6P lens, f/1.6 aperture, and can output 2K HD video. It comes with smart features such as intelligent motion detection and voice control functionality. Let us explore the price, specifications, and features of the device.
Xiaomi 360 Home Security Camera 2K: price and availability
The Xiaomi 360 Home Security Camera 2K is priced at Rs. 3,299 in India and is available on Xiaomi’s official website. Starting January 22nd, the home security camera will also be available on Amazon and Flipkart.
Xiaomi 360 Home Security Camera 2K: features and specifications
- The Xiaomi security camera features a 3MP camera that has an upgraded 6P lens, f/1.6 aperture, and can output 2K HD videos.
- The camera supports a 360-degree panoramic view, which claims to reach every corner of the room with the 6P lens.
- It comes with a full-colour capability in low-light conditions, which claims to enhance nighttime surveillance and provide vivid, detailed footage even in poor lighting conditions.
- The camera is equipped with smart features, including two-way audio, allowing real-time communication through the camera.
- It supports both standard and inverted mounting, facilitating easy installation with 360-degree horizontal movement and 108-degree vertical movement.
- The device comes with optimised H.265 video encoding that claims to save up to 50% of video storage space.
Also Read
- With the Xiaomi Home App, users can playback captured footage from various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
- The smart camera offers voice control with smart home functionality and seamlessly integrates with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.
The post Xiaomi 360 Home Security Camera 2K with two-way voice calling support launched in India: price, features first appeared on 91mobiles.com.
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